Welcome to Mrs. O'Grady's class 679!

Catherine O'Grady
English Teacher
Hello and welcome to class 679's page!

On this site, there are many resources to help students practise their English skills. Don't forget to check out the Classwork section to get all the up to date information about what is happening in our virtual classroom!


Mrs. O'Grady 🙂

Weekly Classwork

Week of June 8th-12th


Christelle Charles, Amira Bajjari, Abraham Rahal, Charlotte Gravel, Noémie Olivier-Cordeau, Minh Le,Liam Bernier


Lily Ettedgui, Yiting Qiu, Laure Fauteux, Loïc Tessier, Ansson Boismartel, Louis-Alexandre Allard


Darok Lee, Baoxuan Zhang, Hiob Kaseya, Maxime Lafon, Émile Brodeur, Louis St-Hilaire, Erika Gaillet


Jacob Héroux, Maxime Durand, Stavros Kolos, Abdel Erradi, Alaa Mekerbeche, Maëssa Bouafia

Grammar lesson: Comparatives p. 66 in the Grammar Book.

Vocabulary: Recreation and Entertainment pages 134-141 in Word by Word Dictionary

Egypt Project: Mummy Project, in which you will prepare a mummy and a slides presentation based on what you learned  Due: Sunday, June 7th.

Reading: Read 30 minutes in English every day and complete a Reading Response Due: Friday, June 12th.

Weekly Quiz: 

  • Study pages 138, 139 in Word by Word 
  • Study page 66 in Grammar Book.

Monday, June 8th  

Tuesday, June 9th   

Wednesday, June 10th 

  • SMALL GROUP Video Conference (Artist study) WEBX 9:30 am
  • Complete Artist Study Questions in Google Classroom WEBX (Art Study)
  • Work on Grammar Book page 67. Self-correct.
  • Work on Word by Word p. 129  Self-correct.
  • Write a journal: Describe the perfect day at the beach. Complete it in Google Classroom. (Journals)
  • Begin Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses on Google Classroom (Egypt)
  • Practice Grammar online: https://www.gamestolearnenglish.com/comparatives/
  • Practice vocabulary online: https://www.gamestolearnenglish.com/
  • Read 30 minutes in English 
  • Watch 30 minutes of English television

Thursday, June 11th 

Friday, June 12th










Week of June 1st-5th

Grammar lesson: Count + Non-Count nouns : Grammar Book page 47

Vocabulary: Time & Money pages 16+17 in Word by Word Dictionary 

Egypt Project: Continue your Mummy Project, in which you will prepare a mummy and a slides presentation based on what you learned throughout last week. Due: Sunday, June 7th

Reading: Read 30 minutes in English every day and complete a Reading Response Due: Friday, June 5th




  1. Emile Brodeur
  2. Maxime Lafon
  3. Amira Bajjari
  4. Abraham Rahal
  5. Maxime Durand
  6. Abdel Erradi
  7. Noémie Olivier-Cordeau


  1. Charlotte Gravel
  2. Liam Bernier
  3. Louis St-Hilaire
  4. Jacob Héroux
  5. Hiob Kaseya
  6. Erika Gaillet
  7. Lily Ettedgui


  1. Laure Fauteux
  2. Yiting Qiu
  3. Maëssa Bouafia
  4. Ansson Boismartel
  5. Christelle Charles
  6. Noémie Olivier-Cordeau
  7. Darok Lee


  1. Minh Le
  2. Stavros Kolos
  3. Loïc Tessier
  4. Louis-Alexandre Allard
  5. Alaa Mekerbeche
  6. Baoxuan Zhang

Monday, June 1st  

Tuesday, June 2nd  

Wednesday, June 3rd

Thursday, June 4th

Friday, June 5th

    • VOCABULARY & GRAMMAR QUIZ (after the meeting) 
    • WHOLE CLASS meeting at 9:30
    • Work on Reading Response in Google Classroom (Reading Response)
    • Finish Mummy Project in Google Classroom (Projects)
    • Complete King Tut Web Quest on Google Classroom (Egypt)
    • Work on Grammar Book page 51. (Weekly Answers)
    • Create a Flipgrid video Google Classroom telling me about your favorite distance learning activity so far.  It could be something I gave for homework OR an activity that we completed in the WebX meetings.  Why was it your favorite? in (Flipgrid)
    • Practice Grammar online: https://www.englishclub.com/esl-games/grammar/nouns-un-count-sort.htm
    • Practice vocabulary online: https://livelearn.ca/article/money-finances/know-your-canadian-currency/
    • Read 30 minutes in English
    • Watch 30 minutes of English television






Week of May 25th-29th

Grammar lesson: Possessive adjectives pages 15, 16

Vocabulary: Describing pages 42-47 in Word by Word Dictionary

Project: Cooking Project!  Complete a task every day.  See my example (GOOGLE  CLASSROOM — PROJECTS) to make sure you understand the tasks. Fill in the GOOGLE SLIDES given  to you in CLASSROOM.  Due: May 29th end of day.

Egypt Project: This week we will do a variety of activities to prepare us for the Mummy Project, in which you will prepare a mummy and its sarcophagus based on what you learned throughout the week. Due: Sunday, June 7th.

Weekly Quiz: Study pages 46-47 in WbyW Dictionary + Vocabulary Worksheet (Vocabulary)

Study pages 15-16 in Grammar Book.

Reading Response: You should be reading in English for 30 minutes a day.  You will have to complete a Reading Response due on Friday May 29th about the pages you read this week.



  1. Maxime Lafon
  2. Charlotte Gravel
  3. Louis-Alexandre Allard
  4. Maëssa Bouafia
  5. Ansson Boismartel
  6. Lily Ettedgui
  7. Christelle Charles


  1. Stavros Kolos
  2. Abdel Erradi
  3. Baoxuan Zhang
  4. Maxime Durand
  5. Alaa Mekerbeche
  6. Louis St-Hilaire
  7. Amira Bajjari


  1. Darok Lee
  2. Yiting Qiu
  3. Noémie Olivier-Cordeau
  4. Minh Le
  5. Laure Fauteux
  6. Hiob Kaseya


  1. Erika Gaillet
  2. Liam Bernier
  3. Loïc Tessier
  4. Emile Brodeur
  5. Jacob Héroux
  6. Abraham Rahal

Monday, May 25th 

  • Video Conference small groups (Egypt activities, Cooking project, Vocabulary)
  • Using as many homonyms, homophones and homographs possible, tell me a short 1 minute story on FLIPGRID video in  Google Classroom (Flipgrid)
  • Write a journal: If you could take 3 people on a trip around the world, who would you take and why? Complete it in Google Classroom 80-100 words. (Journal)
  • Work on Word by Word page 39   (Weekly Answers)
  • Watch “How to Make a Mummy” on Google Classroom (Egypt)
  • Create a Flipgrid video: Egyptian Mummies on Google Classroom (Flipgrid)
  • Complete daily Cooking Project activity on Google Classroom (Project)
  • Reading Book p.83-84  (Weekly Answers)
  • Telephone someone from the class and discuss: Do you prefer a home cooked meal or eating out at a restaurant?  Why?  Which home cooked meal is your favorite and why? Complete the answer sheet in on Google Classroom (Telephone Homework)
  • Practice vocabulary online: https://www.abcya.com/games/parts_of_speech
  • Watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oBYfoG5wBP8&feature=emb_logo
  • Answer the questions in the Grammar section on Google Classroom.

Tuesday, May 26th 

  •  WHOLE CLASS Video Conference (Grammar Lesson) 9:00am
  • RECUPERATION on request by email 2:00-3:00
  • Work on Grammar Book page 17.  (Weekly Answers)
  • Work on Word by Word page 40.  (Weekly Answers)
  • Complete Vocabulary Match & Mummy readings on Google Classroom (Egypt)
  • Complete daily Cooking Project activity on Google Classroom (Project section)

Wednesday, May 27th

  • Video Conference small groups: Artist Study
  • Work on Grammar Book pages 18, 19. (Weekly Answers)
  • Work on Word by Word page 38. (Weekly Answers)
  • Complete In the News on Google Classroom (Egypt)
  • Complete Artist Study Questions in Google Classroom after your meeting (Art Study)
  • Complete daily Cooking Project activity on Google Classroom (Projects)
  • Write a journal: Tell me about the scariest thing that ever happened to you? Include the emotions you felt throughout the experience. Complete it in Google Classroom. 80-100 words. (Journal)
  • Read 30 minutes in English

Thursday, May 28th

  • Video Conference small groups (Vocabulary or Grammar Game)
  • Complete Vocabulary Kahoots to review for the quiz (Vocabulary)
  • Work on Grammar Book page 20, 21.  (Weekly Answers)
  • Work on Reading Book pages 58, 59.  (Weekly Answers)
  • Work on Word by Word page 38.  (Weekly Answers)
  • Complete If You were a Mummy on Google Classroom (Egypt)
  • Complete daily Cooking Project activity on Google Classroom (Projects)

Friday, May 29th

  • VOCABULARY & GRAMMAR QUIZ at 9:30 am! (Friday Quiz)
  • WHOLE CLASS Video Conference: Present the Mummy Project (10:30am)
  • Complete Reading Response on Google Classroom (Reading Response)
  • Submit Cooking Project. on Google Classroom (Projects)
  • Complete The Mummification Process on Google Classroom (Egypt)   
  • Work on Grammar Book page 22.  (Weekly Answers)
  • Work on Word by Word page 39.  (Weekly Answers)

Week of May 18th

Vocabulary Focus: Types of Schools (WbyW dictionary p. 101-104 and p. 109) SEE GOOGLE CLASSROOM FOR PDF

Grammar Focus: Homophones, Homonyms and Homographs (GBp.147-154 AND p.159-162) GB Reference Page


  • COVID project Due: Tuesday, May 19th
  • Video  Story on Flipgrip (Video Presentations section in CLASSROOM) Due: Monday, May 25th
  • If you did not complete ANY of the projects yet, you are OBLIGATED to choose one and complete it for Friday, May 22nd. Please submit your project on GOOGLE CLASSROOM.  Due: Friday, May 23rd (any time of the day)

Work to do on Monday May 18th


  1. Watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dep8_ARiSU
  2. Watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DxgKDWFTmck

Work to do on Tuesday, May 19th


  1. Grammar Lesson during Video Conference (Homo -nyms, -phones, -graphs)
  2. Work on Grammar Book GB p.155  ANSWERS GB p.155 ANSWERS
  3. Work on Word by Word p. 92. WbyWp.92 ANSWERS. ALL WbyW ANSWERS
  4. Write a 75-word journal on the following topic: What grade was your favorite? Why was it your favorite? What cool activities did you do in that grade that made it so fun? If you are looking for ideas, you could describe the teacher you had for that grade too!
    -Write in the PAST TENSE
  5. Practice Grammar online: https://www.turtlediary.com/games/homonyms-homophones.html
  6. Practice Grammar online: http://a4esl.org/q/h/homonyms.html
  7. Practice vocabulary online: https://www.freddiesville.com/school-supplies-vocabulary-games/
  8. Practice vocabulary online: https://www.eslgamesplus.com/school-supplies-esl-interactive-vocabulary-crocodile-board-game/
  9. Read 30 minutes in English
  10. Watch 30 minutes of English television

Work to do on Wednesday, May 20th


GROUP 1 (10:00-10:30): Mihn, Jacob, Christelle, Loic, Maxime L, Erika, Lily
GROUP 2: (10:30-11:00) Baoxuan, Maessa, Louis, Abdel, Liam, Darok, Amira
GROUP 3: (11:00-11:30) Emile, Yiting, Maxime D., Ansson, Hiob, Charlotte
GROUP 4: (11:30-12:00)   Stavros, Alaa, Abraham, Noemie, Laure, Louis-Alexandre
  1. Say Hello on Flipgrid! COMPLETE IN GOOGLE CLASSROOM
  2. Work on Grammar Book GB p.156 ANSWERS GB p.156 ANSWERS
  3. Work on Word by Word WbyW p.93 + 94. ANSWERS  ALL WbyW ANSWERS
  4. Work on Reading: Little Genius ANSWERS Little Genius ANSWERS
  5. Watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AnZxeX_8mVk
  6. Practice Grammar online: https://www.quia.com/cb/8285.html
  7. Practice vocabulary online:  https://www.eslgamesplus.com/school-vocabulary-game-practice-school-supplies-subjects-school-tools-and-actions/
  8. Watch a 30 minute TV Show
  9. Read in English for 30 minutes

Work to do on Thursday, May 21st


GROUP 1 (10:00-10:30): Mihn, Jacob, Christelle, Loic, Maxime L, Erika, Lily
GROUP 2: (10:30-11:00) Baoxuan, Maessa, Louis, Abdel, Liam, Darok, Amira
GROUP 3: (11:00-11:30) Emile, Yiting, Maxime D., Ansson, Hiob, Charlotte
GROUP 4: (11:30-12:00)   Stavros, Alaa, Abraham, Noemie, Laure, Louis-Alexandre
  1. Work on Grammar Book GB p.157. ANSWERS GB p.157 ANSWERS
  2. Work on Word by Word WbyW p.95 ANSWERS ALL WbyW ANSWERS
  3. Write a 75-word journal on the following topic: This school really needs… (I know that we are not at school right now but imagine we are and tell me what our school needs).
    -Write in the PRESENT TENSE
  4. Practice Grammar online: https://www.vocabulary.co.il/homophones/
  5. Practice vocabulary online: https://www.english-learn-online.com/vocabulary/school-subjects/learn-school-subjects-vocabulary/
  6. Practice vocabulary online: https://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/word-games/school-subjects
  7. Read 30 minutes in English
  8. Watch 30 minutes of English television

Work to do on Friday, May 22nd


GROUP 1 (10:00-10:30): Mihn, Jacob, Christelle, Loic, Maxime L, Erika, Lily
GROUP 2: (10:30-11:00) Baoxuan, Maessa, Louis, Abdel, Liam, Darok, Amira
GROUP 3: (11:00-11:30) Emile, Yiting, Maxime D., Ansson, Hiob, Charlotte
GROUP 4: (11:30-12:00)   Stavros, Alaa, Abraham, Noemie, Laure, Louis-Alexandre
  1. Telephone someone from the class and discuss: What’s your dream school? (type of classes, extra-curricular activities, classes, etc.).  FILL IN ASSIGNMENT FORM IN GOOGLE CLASSROOM (OBLIGATORY)
  2. Work on Grammar Book  GB p.158+163   ANSWERS GB p.158+163 answers
  3. Work on Word by Word WbyW p. 101 ANSWERS ALL WbyW ANSWERS
  4. Practice Grammar online: https://www.learninggamesforkids.com/vocabulary-games/homophones-games.html 
  5. Practice vocabulary online: https://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/category/topics/school
  6. VOCABULARY QUIZ IN CLASSROOM (OBLIGATORY) (10:00-10:30) WbyWp.102 to study (places in a school)
  7. Read 30 minutes in English
  8. Watch 30 minutes of English television

Week of May 11th

Vocabulary Focus: Food     WbyW dictionary p.51-64

Grammar Focus: Demonstrative Pronouns    This, That. These, Those reference page


  • Fashion Show! Dress up in an outfit and model it to the class describing each piece of clothing or accessory. Due: Monday, May 11th
  • COVID project Due: Tuesday, May 19th

New Project: Complete the following activities this week! Do one activity each day and share them with me on the Google Drive. You must send me a list of characters in the show, a summary of the show you watched, a comparison of two or more characters, an illustration of the main events in the show and a recommendation for the TV show you watched. Due: Tuesday, May 19th

Example Project:  TV Project

Work to do on Monday May 11th

SMALL GROUP video meeting chat (30 minutes per group)

TOPIC:Fashion Show! Dress up in an outfit and model it to the class describing each piece of clothing or accessory + GRAMMAR!

9:30 =Lily Ettedgui, Alaa Mekerbeche, Darok Lee, Ansson Boismartel, Louis St-Hilaire, Stavros Kolos, Maxime Durand

11:00 =Erika Gaillet , Baoxuan Zhang, Jacob Heroux, Laure Fauteux, Amira Bajjari, Yiting Qiu

2:00 =Maëssa Bouafia, Christelle Charles, Noémie Olivier-Cordeau, Emile Brodeur, Louis-Alexandre Allard, Charlotte Gravel

2:30 = Liam Bernier, Hiob Kaseya, Abdel Erradi, Minh Le, Maxime Lafon, Abraham Rahal, Loïc Tessier

  1. Word by Word Activity Book WbyW p.44+45 ANSWERS WbyW p.44-45 answers
  2. Practise Vocabulary https://www.gamestolearnenglish.com/food/
  3. Watch this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BcxmWhY-zx8
  4. Watch this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TkpSsdQCaKY
  5. Write a May journal + send to Mrs. O’Grady May Writing Prompts
  6. Read in English for 30 minutes
  7. Watch 30 minutes of English TV with subtitles

Work to do on Tuesday, May 12th

  1. Word by Word Activity Book WbyWp.46 ANSWERS WbyWp.46 answers
  2. Grammar Book GBp. 24 ANSWERS GBp.24 answers
  3. Reading Book RB p.85-86  ANSWERS RBp.86 answers
  4. Write a May journal + send to Mrs. O’Grady May Writing Prompts
  5. Online Grammar Practise https://agendaweb.org/grammar/demonstratives-exercises.html
  6. Online Vocabulary Practise https://www.google.ca/amp/s/www.eslgamesplus.com/food-drinks/amp/
  7. Watch a 30 minute TV Show
  8. Read in English for 30 minutes

Work to do on Wednesday, May 13th

SMALL GROUP video meeting chat (30 minutes per group)

TOPIC: Vocabulary Game

9:00 = Liam Bernier, Hiob Kaseya, Abdel Erradi, Minh Le, Maxime Lafon, Abraham Rahal, Loïc Tessier

11:00 = Maëssa Bouafia, Christelle Charles, Noémie Olivier-Cordeau, Emile Brodeur, Louis-Alexandre Allard, Charlotte Gravel

  1. Grammar Book GB p.25  ANSWERS GBp.25 answers
  2. Word by Word Activity Book WbyW p.47+48   ANSWERS WbyWp.47-48 answers
  3. Write a May journal + send to Mrs. O’Grady May Writing Prompts
  4. Online Grammar Practise http://www.learnenglish-online.com/grammar/tests/demonstrativepronouns.html
  5. Online Vocabulary Practise https://www.digitaldialects.com/iPad/English/food.htm
  6. Watch a 30 minute TV Show
  7. Read in English for 30 minutes

Work to do on Thursday, May 14th

SMALL GROUP video meeting chat (30 minutes per group)

9:00 = Erika Gaillet , Baoxuan Zhang, Jacob Heroux, Laure Fauteux, Amira Bajjari, Yiting Qiu

10:00 = Lily Ettedgui, Alaa Mekerbeche, Darok Lee, Ansson Boismartel, Louis St-Hilaire, Stavros Kolos, Maxime Durand

TOPIC: Vocabulary Game

  1. Grammar Book GB p.26  ANSWERS GBp.26 answers
  2. Reading Book RB p.87-88  ANSWERS RB p.87+88 answers
  3. Word by Word Activity Book WbyW p.49 ANSWERS ALL WbyW ANSWERS
  4. Write a May journal + send to Mrs. O’Grady May Writing Prompts
  5. Online Grammar Practise https://www.myenglishpages.com/site_php_files/grammar-exercise-demonstratives.php
  6. Online Vocabulary Practise https://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/category/topics/food
  7. Watch a 30 minute TV Show
  8. Read in English for 30 minutes

Work to do on Friday, May 15th

WHOLE CLASS video meeting (9:45-10:15) Novel Reading/Discussion

  1. Telephone someone from the class and  talk about your favorite restaurant.  What kind of food can you order there?  Why do you like it so much?  What is your favorite dish to order? You can also talk about where the restaurant is located!
  2. Grammar Book GB p.27  ANSWERS GBp.27 answers
  3. Word by Word Activity Book WbyW p.55+56 ANSWERS WbyW p.55-56 answers
  4. Write a May journal + send to Mrs. O’Grady May Writing Prompts
  5. Online Grammar Practise https://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/grammar-practice/these-those      https://www.turtlediary.com/games/pronoun.html
  6. Online Vocabulary Practise https://englishflashgames.blogspot.com/2008/09/food-game.html?m=1
  7. Watch a 30 minute TV Show
  8. Read in English for 30 minutes

Activities from the Ministry of Education

Week of May 11th

Green Gifts 2

Week of May 4th

Food Tricks

Video to accompany the activity : https://safeyoutube.net/w/GOf9

Week of April 20th

Random Acts of Kindness

Week of April 13th

Engineers Solve Problems

Week of April  6th

What Is the Coronavirus

Week of May 4th

Vocabulary Focus: Clothing

WbyW dictionary p.70-73

Grammar Focus: Synonyms and Antonyms


  • Prepare a 1-minute presentation about your favourite animal. Due: Monday, May 4th
  • Fashion Show! Dress up in an outfit and model it to the class describing each piece of clothing or accessory. Due: Monday, May 11th
  • COVID project (May 20th)

New Project: Complete the following activities this week! Do one activity each day and share them with me on the Google Drive. You must send me a graph, comparison, poem, observations, summary and a labeled picture. Due: Monday, May 11th

Example Project: Outdoor Project

Work to do on Monday May 4th

SMALL GROUP video meeting chat (30 minutes per group)

TOPIC: Prepare a 1-minute presentation about your favourite animal.

9:30 = Laure Fauteux, Maëssa Bouafia, Lily Ettedgui, Liam Bernier, Jacob Héroux, Erika Gaillet, Stavros Kolos

10:00 = Alaa Mekerbeche, Christelle Charles, Charlotte Gravel, Yiting Qiu, Loïc Tessier, Maxime Durand, Ansson Boismartel

10:30 = Louis St-Hilaire, Hiob Kaseya, Abdel Erradi, Darok Lee, Maxime Lafon, Amira Bajjari, Émile Brodeur

11:00 = Louis-Alexandre Allard, Baoxuan Zhang, Noémie Olivier-Cordeau, Abraham Rahal, Minh Le

  1. Word by Word Activity Book WbyWp.62  ANSWERS WbyW p.62 answers
  2. Practise Vocabulary https://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/vocabulary/beginner-vocabulary/accessories
  3. Watch this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7cCqu5hArDQ
  4. Watch this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UrYkinLIXNs
  5. Write a May journal + send to Mrs. O’Grady May Writing Prompts
  6. Read in English for 30 minutes
  7. Watch 30 minutes of English TV with subtitles

Work to do on Tuesday, May 5th

LARGE GROUP video meeting chat: Grammar (10:00)

  1. Grammar Book GBp.165-166 ANSWERS GB p.165-166 answers
  2. Reading Book RBp.38  ANSWERS RB p.38 answers
  3. Write an April journal + send to Mrs. O’Grady May Writing Prompts
  4. Watch this video and answer the questions: https://en.islcollective.com/video-lessons/top-10-strangest-hobbies-world?code=cTX7xlwTQJ
  5. Online Grammar Practise https://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/exercises/structures/synonyms.htm
  6. Online Vocabulary Practise https://www.gamestolearnenglish.com/clothes-game/
  7. Watch a 30 minute TV Show
  8. Read in English for 30 minutes

Work to do on Wednesday, May 6th

SMALL GROUP video meeting chat (30 minutes per group)

TOPIC: Vocabulary Game

10:00 = Louis St-Hilaire, Hiob Kaseya, Abdel Erradi, Darok Lee, Maxime Lafon, Amira Bajjari, Émile Brodeur

10:30 = Louis-Alexandre Allard, Baoxuan Zhang, Noémie Olivier-Cordeau, Abraham Rahal, Minh Le

  1. Grammar Book GBp.167   ANSWERS GB p.167 answers
  2. Word by Word Activity Book WbyWp.63    ANSWERS WbyW p.63 answers
  3. Write a May journal + send to Mrs. O’Grady May Writing Prompts
  4. Online Grammar Practise https://www.learninggamesforkids.com/vocabulary-games/antonyms.html
  5. https://www.englishmaven.org/Pages/Synonyms%20and%20Antonyms.htm
  6. Online Vocabulary Practise http://www.michellehenry.fr/jewels.htm
  7. Watch a 30 minute TV Show
  8. Read in English for 30 minutes

Work to do on Thursday, May 7th

SMALL GROUP video meeting chat (30 minutes per group)

TOPIC: Vocabulary Game

10:00 = Laure Fauteux, Maëssa Bouafia, Lily Ettedgui, Liam Bernier, Jacob Héroux, Erika Gaillet, Stavros Kolos

10:30 = Alaa Mekerbeche, Christelle Charles, Charlotte Gravel, Yiting Qiu, Loïc Tessier, Maxime Durand, Ansson Boismartel

  1. Grammar Book GBp.169-170   ANSWERS GBp.169-170 answers
  2. Reading Book RBp.39   ANSWERS RBp.39 answers
  3. Word by Word Activity Book WbyWp.64   ANSWERS WbyW p.64 answers
  4. Write a May journal + send to Mrs. O’Grady May Writing Prompts
  5. Online Grammar Practise https://www.abcya.com/games/wordtoss_synonym_antonym
  6. Online Vocabulary Practise https://www.turtlediary.com/games/adjectives.html
  7. Watch a 30 minute TV Show
  8. Read in English for 30 minutes

Work to do on Friday, May 8th

NO MEETING TODAY…Mrs. O’Grady is at school in meetings 🙂

  1. Telephonesomeone from the class and complete the Telephone Homework activity attached here Clothing Telephone Homework
  2. Grammar Book GBp.172-173  ANSWERS GBp.172-173 answers
  3. Word by Word Activity Book WbyWp.65 ANSWERS WbyW p.65 answers
  4. Write a May journal + send to Mrs. O’Grady May Writing Prompts
  5. Watch this video and  answer the questions https://en.islcollective.com/video-lessons/whats-word?code=cTX7xlwTQJ
  6. Online Grammar Practise  https://www.turtlediary.com/games/antonyms-synonyms.html
  7. Online Vocabulary Practise https://www.education.com/games/adjectives/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwy6T1BRDXARIsAIqCTXqcu8W6-yZLc4EeBo5w3o-ry6oyeWHxbeM5YIen38cpyZMW5A3cNd8aAsgWEALw_wcB
  8. Watch a 30 minute TV Show
  9. Read in English for 30 minutes

Week of April 27th

Vocabulary Focus: Clothing

WbyW dictionary p.66-69

Grammar Focus: Question Formation


  • Think of a time that you got hurt (injured). Be prepared to tell us all about it. Due: Monday, April 27th
  • Prepare a 1-minute presentation about your favourite animal. Due: Monday, May 4th
  • Fashion Show! Dress up in an outfit and model it to the class describing each piece of clothing or accessory. Due: Monday, May 11th
  • COVID project (May 20th)

New Project: Complete the following activities this week! Do one activity each day and share them with me on the Google Drive. You must send me an illustration of your favourite song, a recommendation, a comparison of 2 songs, a summary of your interview with a family member and the song list. Due: Monday, May 4th

Song Project EXAMPLE

Work to do on Monday April 27th

SMALL GROUP video meeting chat (30 minutes per group)

TOPIC: Think of a time that you got hurt (injured). Be prepared to tell us all about it.

9:30 = Charlotte, Louis, Lily, Emile B., Maessa, Ibrahim, Liam

10:00 = Alaa, Bao Xuan, Laure, Louis-Alexandre, Amira, Minh

10:30 = Maxime D., Abdel, Yiting, Darok, Christelle, Ansson, Noemie

11:00 = Erika ,Loic, Jacob, Stavros, Maxime L., Hiob

  1. Word by Word Activity Book p.58 WbyWp.58  ANSWERS WbyWp.58 answers
  2. Practise Vocabulary http://www.eslgamesworld.com/members/games/vocabulary/memoryaudio/clothes%20and%20color/index.html
  3. Watch this video and answer the questions: https://en.islcollective.com/video-lessons/dancing-clothes?code=cTX7xlwTQJ
  4. Write an April journal + send to Mrs. O’Grady April Writing Prompts
  5. Read in English for 30 minutes
  6. Watch 30 minutes of English TV with subtitles

Work to do on Tuesday, April 28th

LARGE GROUP video meeting chat: Grammar (10:00)

  1. Grammar Book GBp.130  ANSWERS GBp.130 answers
  2. Reading Book RB p.29+30 ANSWERS RBp.29-30 answers
  3. Write an April journal + send to Mrs. O’Grady April Writing Prompts
  4. Watch this video and answer the questions:https://en.islcollective.com/video-lessons/mr-bean-hospital
  5. Online Grammar Practise https://agendaweb.org/grammar/questions-exercises.html
  6. Online Vocabulary Practise https://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/category/topics/clothes
  7. Watch a 30 minute TV Show
  8. Read in English for 30 minutes

Work to do on Wednesday, April 29th

SMALL GROUP video meeting chat (30 minutes per group)

TOPIC: Vocabulary Game

9:30 = Charlotte, Louis, Lily, Emile B., Maessa, Ibrahim, Liam

10:00 = Erika ,Loic, Jacob, Stavros, Maxime L., Hiob

  1. Grammar Book GBp.131-132     ANSWERS  GBp.131-132 answers
  2. Word by Word Activity Book WbyWp.59   ANSWERS WbyW p. 59 answers
  3. Watch this video and answer t he questions https://en.islcollective.com/video-lessons/question-words
  4. Write an April journal + send to Mrs. O’Grady April Writing Prompts
  5. Online Grammar Practise https://www.eslgamesplus.com/question-words-what-where-who-why-when-which-how-grammar-activity/
  6. Online Vocabulary Practise https://www.eslgamesplus.com/clothes/
  7. Watch a 30 minute TV Show
  8. Read in English for 30 minutes

Work to do on Thursday, April 30th

SMALL GROUP video meeting chat (30 minutes per group)

TOPIC: Vocabulary Game

9:30 = Maxime D., Abdel, Yiting, Darok, Christelle, Ansson, Noemie

10:00 = Alaa, Bao Xuan, Laure, Louis-Alexandre, Amira, Minh

  1. Grammar Book GBp.133  ANSWERS GBp.133 answers
  2. Reading Book RB p.19  ANSWERS RBp.19 answers
  3. Word by Word Activity Book WbyWp.60   ANSWERS WbyWp.60 answers
  4. Write an April journal + send to Mrs. O’Grady April Writing Prompts
  5. Watch this video  and answer the questions https://en.islcollective.com/video-lessons/5ws-who-when-where-why-what?code=cTX7xlwTQJ
  6. Online Grammar Practise http://www.englishmedialab.com/Quizzes/beginners/beginner%20gap%20fills.htm
  7. Online Vocabulary Practise https://www.gamestolearnenglish.com/clothes-game/
  8. Watch a 30 minute TV Show
  9. Read in English for 30 minutes

Work to do on Friday, May 1st

LARGE GROUP video meeting: Story Reading (10:00)

  1. Telephone someone from the class and talk to them about different outfits you wear to do different activities.
  2. Grammar Book GBp.134  ANSWERS GBp.134 answers
  3. Word by Word Activity Book WbyWp.61  ANSWERS WbyWp.61 answers
  4. Write a May journal + send to Mrs. O’Grady May Writing Prompts
  5. Watch this video and  answer the questions https://en.islcollective.com/video-lessons/masha-and-bear-7?code=cTX7xlwTQJ
  6. Online Grammar Practise  https://www.englishexercises.org/makeagame/viewgame.asp?id=2066
  7. Online Vocabulary Practise https://www.mes-games.com/clothes1.php
  8. Watch a 30 minute TV Show
  9. Read in English for 30 minutes

Week of April 20th

Vocabulary Focus: Animals + Nature

WbyW Dictionary p.151-159

Grammar Focus: Question Formation



  • Show me  your favorite room with three examples! (April 20th)
  • Think of a time that you got hurt (injured). Be prepared to tell us all about. Due: Monday, April 27th
  • Prepare a 1-minute presentation about your favourite animal. Due: Monday, May 4th
  • Fashion Show! Dress up in an outfit and model it to the class describing each piece of clothing or accessory. Due: Monday, May 11th
  • COVID project (May 20th)

Work to do on Monday April 20th

SMALL GROUP video meeting chat (30 minutes per group)

TOPIC: Show me  your favorite room with three examples!

10:00 = Abdel, Yiting, Ansson, Louis-Alexandre, Louis, Maessa, Baoxuan

10:30 =  Christelle, Hiob, Maxime D., Maxime L, Darok, Erika, Charlotte

11:00 = Jacob, Emile, Laure, Abraham, Amira, Alaa

11:30 = Stavros, Minh, Liam, Loic, Lily, Noemie

  1. Word by Word Activity Book WbyW AB p.140-141   ANSWERS WbyW answers p.140-141
  2. Practise Vocabulary https://www.english-learn-online.com/vocabulary/plants/learn-plants-vocabulary-in-english/
  3. Watch Video on Question Formation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gyK47DD0ogg&feature=emb_logo
  4. Check out the April Challenges and complete one or more! Mission Possible April Intensive
  5. Read in English for 30 minutes

Work to do on Tuesday, April 21st

LARGE GROUP video meeting chat (10:00)

  1. Grammar Book GBp.123-124 ANSWERS GBp. 123-124 answers
  2. Reading Book RB p.25+26 ANSWERS RBp.25-26 answers
  3. Word by Word Activity Book WbyW AB p.142,143  ANSWERS WbyW 142-143 answers
  4. Write an April journal + send to Mrs. O’Grady April Writing Prompts
  5. Online Grammar Practise https://agendaweb.org/grammar/questions-exercises.html
  6. Online Vocabulary Practise https://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/word-games/environment
  7. Watch a 30 minute TV Show
  8. Read in English for 30 minutes

Work to do on Wednesday, April 22nd

SMALL GROUP video meeting chat (30 minutes per group)

TOPIC: Vocabulary Game

9:30 = Jacob, Emile, Laure, Abraham, Amira, Alaa

10:00 = Stavros, Minh, Liam, Loic, Lily, Noemie

  1. Grammar Book GBp.125   ANSWERS  GBp. 125 answers
  2. Word by Word Activity Book WbyW AB p.144  ANSWERS WbyW p.144 answers
  3. Write an April journal + send to Mrs. O’Grady April Writing Prompts
  4. Online Grammar Practise


5. Online Vocabulary Practise





6. Watch a 30 minute TV Show

7. Read in English for 30 minutes

Work to do on Thursday, April 23rd

SMALL GROUP video meeting chat (30 minutes per group)

TOPIC: Vocabulary Game

10:00 = Abdel, Yiting, Ansson, Louis-Alexandre, Louis, Maessa, Baoxuan

10:30 =  Christelle, Hiob, Maxime D., Maxime L, Darok, Erika, Charlotte

  1. Grammar Book GBp.126  ANSWERS  GBp.126 answers
  2. Reading Book RB p.27+28 ANSWERS RBp.27-28 answers
  3. Word by Word Activity Book WbyW AB p.145   ANSWERS WbyW p.145 answers
  4. Write an April journal + send to Mrs. O’Grady April Writing Prompts
  5. Online Grammar Practise http://www.englishmedialab.com/Quizzes/beginners/beginner%20gap%20fills.htm
  6. Online Vocabulary Practise




7. Watch a 30 minute TV Show

8. Read in English for 30 minutes

Work to do on Friday, April 24th


  1. Telephone someone from the class and talk to them about different outfits you wear to do different activities.
  2. Grammar Book GBp.127-128   ANSWERS GBp. 127-128 answers
  3. Word by Word Activity Book WbyW ABp.146  ANSWERS WbyW p.146
  4. Write an April journal + send to Mrs. O’Grady April Writing Prompts
  5. Online Grammar Practise  https://www.englishexercises.org/makeagame/viewgame.asp?id=2066
  6. Online Vocabulary Practise





  1. Watch a 30 minute TV Show
  2. Read in English for 30 minutes
  3. Check out the April Challenges and complete one or more! Mission Possible April Intensive

Mrs. O’Grady’s email : catherine.ogrady@csmb.qc.ca

Week of April 13th

Vocabulary Focus: The body and Health

WbyW Dictionary p.86-100

Grammar Focus: Punctuation Punctuation and Quotation mark Reference



Punctuation HELP 2


  • 2 Truths and 1 lie (April 14th)
  • Show me  your favorite room! (April 20th)
  • COVID project (May 20th)

Work to do on Monday April 13th

  2. Word by Word Activity Book WbyW Activity Book p.90,91   ANSWERS WbyW answers p.90+91
  3. Practise Vocabulary https://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/category/topics/parts-the-body
  4. Check out the April Challenges and complete one or more! Mission Possible April Intensive
  5. Read in English for 30 minutes

Work to do on Tuesday, April 14th

SMALL GROUP video meeting chat (25 minutes per group)

TOPIC: Grammar + 2 Truths and 1 Lie

8:30 = Maxime L, Hiob, Emile B., Yiting, Baoxuan, Maessa, Charlotte

10:05 =  Noemie, Louis, Anssson, Jacob, Laure, Minh

10:30 = Louis-Alexandre, Amira, Maxime D., Erika, Abdel, Loic, Abraham

10:55 = Liam, Darok, Stavros, Lily, Alaa, Christelle

  1. Grammar Book GBp.33+34 ANSWERS GBp.33 answers    GBp.34 answers
  2. Reading Book RBp.20+21 ANSWERS  RBp.20+21 answers
  3. Word by Word Activity Book WbyW Activity Bookp.78,79,80  ANSWERS WbyW activity book answers p.78,79,80
  4. Write an April journal + send to Mrs. O’Grady April Writing Prompts
  5. Online Grammar Practise https://www.grammar-quizzes.com/punc-diagnostic.html
  6. Online Vocabulary Practise https://www.tolearnenglish.com/exercises/exercise-english-2/exercise-english-3689.php
  7. Watch a 30 minute TV Show
  8. Read in English for 30 minutes

Work to do on Wednesday, April 15th

SMALL GROUP video meeting chat (30 minutes per group)

TOPIC: Vocabulary Game

10:00 =  Maxime L, Hiob, Emile B., Yiting, Baoxuan, Maessa, Charlotte

10:30 = Noemie, Louis, Ansson, Jacob, Laure, Minh

  1. Grammar Book GBp.35  ANSWERS  GBp.35 answers
  2. Word by Word Activity Book WbyW Activity Book p.81,82,83  ANSWERS WbyW activity book answers p.81,82,83
  3. Write an April journal + send to Mrs. O’Grady April Writing Prompts
  4. Online Grammar Practise http://www.learnenglish-online.com/writing/punctuation/tests/punctuationtest.html
  5. Online Vocabulary Practise https://www.liveworksheets.com/worksheets/en/English_as_a_Second_Language_(ESL)/Parts_of_the_body/My_body_-_listening_bg7137zj
  6. Watch a 30 minute TV Show
  7. Read in English for 30 minutes

Work to do on Thursday, April 16th

SMALL GROUP video meeting chat (30 minutes per group)

TOPIC: Vocabulary Game

10:00 =  Liam, Darok, Stavros, Lily, Alaa, Christelle

10:30 = Louis-Alexandre, Amira, Maxime D., Erika, Abdel, Loic, Abraham

  1. Grammar Book GBp.36  ANSWERS  GBp.36 answers
  2. Reading Book RBp.23+24 ANSWERS    RBp.23+24 answers
  3. Word by Word Activity Book  WbyW Activity Book p. 84,85,86 ANSWERS WbyW activity book answers p.84,85,86
  4. Write an April journal + send to Mrs. O’Grady April Writing Prompts
  5. Online Grammar Practise http://www.learnenglish-online.com/writing/punctuation/tests/colonsemicolons.html
  6. Online Vocabulary Practise https://www.liveworksheets.com/worksheets/en/English_as_a_Second_Language_(ESL)/Parts_of_the_body/Asterix’s_body_parts_dg325kr
  7. Watch a 30 minute TV Show
  8. Read in English for 30 minutes

Work to do on Friday, April 17th


  1. Call a friend and talk to them IN ENGLISH about your favorite room in your house (practise for next Monday!)
  2. Grammar Book GBp.38  ANSWERS  GBp.38 answers
  3. Word by Word Activity Book WbyW Activity Book p.87,88,89 ANSWERS WbyW activity book answers p.87,88,89
  4. Write an April journal + send to Mrs. O’Grady April Writing Prompts
  5. Online Grammar Practise  http://www.learnenglish-online.com/writing/punctuation/tests/commatest.html      http://www.learnenglish-online.com/writing/punctuation/tests/punctuationtest2.html
  6. Online Vocabulary Practise https://agendaweb.org/vocabulary/body-exercises.html
  7. Watch a 30 minute TV Show
  8. Read in English for 30 minutes
  9. Check out the April Challenges and complete one or more! Mission Possible April Intensive

Mrs. O’Grady’s email : catherine.ogrady@csmb.qc.ca

Week of April 6th

Vocabulary Focus: The Home

WbyW Dictionary p.20-35

WbyW Activity Book pages 20-33

Grammar Focus: Future GB Future Rules


  • Show and Tell (April 6th)
  • 2 Truths and 1 lie (April 14th)

Work to do on Monday April 6th

  1. Present a show and tell for the class during the video meeting
  2. Word by Word Activity Book  p.20,21,22 ANSWERS WbyW p.20,21,22 answers
  3. Practise Vocabulary https://agendaweb.org/vocabulary/house_furniture-exercises.html
  4. Write an April journal + send to Mrs. O’Grady April Writing Prompts
  5. Watch a 30 minute TV Show
  6. Read in English for 30 minutes

Work to do on Tuesday, April 7th

  1. Grammar Lesson during video meeting (the Future tense)
  2. Grammar Book GB p.116 GB p.117 ANSWERS GBp.116+117 answers
  3. Reading Book RB p. 12,13,14 ANSWERS RB p.12,13,14 answers
  4. Word by Word Activity Book p.23,24,25 ANSWERS RBp.23,24,25 answers
  5. Write an April journal + send to Mrs. O’Grady April Writing Prompts
  6. Online Grammar Practise https://www.englishgrammar.org/future-tenses-exercise/
  7. Online Vocabulary Practise https://www.tolearnenglish.com/exercises/exercise-english-2/exercise-english-9320.php
  8. Watch a 30 minute TV Show
  9. Read in English for 30 minutes

Work to do on Wednesday, April 8th

SMALL GROUP video meeting chat

TOPIC: What is the first thing you will do when this situation is all over?

8:30: Louis-Alexandre, Charlotte, Noemie, Christelle, Emile, Liam

8:50: Ansson, Abdel, Ibrahim, Baoxuan, Jacob

9:10: Erika, Alaa, Yiting, Darok, Minh

  1. Grammar Book GB p.118 ANSWERS GBp.118 answers
  2. Reading Book RB p.15    RB p.16 ANSWERS RB p.15,16 answers
  3. Word by Word Activity Book p.26,27,28 ANSWERS WbyWp.26,27,28 answers
  4. Write an April journal + send to Mrs. O’Grady April Writing Prompts
  5. Online Grammar Practise https://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/grammar-practice/will-future-predictions
  6. Online Vocabulary Practise https://www.passporttoenglish.com/Beginning-English/Lesson6/Vocabulary.html
  7. Watch a 30 minute TV Show
  8. Read in English for 30 minutes

Work to do on Thursday, April 9th

SMALL GROUP video meeting chat

TOPIC: What is the first thing you will do when this situation is all over?

10:00: Laure, Maxime L., Stavros, Hiob, Louis

10:20 : Amira, Maessa, Lily, Loic, Maxime D.

  1. Grammar Book GB p.119 ANSWERS GBp.119 answers
  2. Reading Book p. 17 + 18 (#1-5) RB p.17     RB p.18 ANSWERS RBp.18 answers
  3. Word by Word Activity Book p.29,30,31  ANSWERS WbyWp.29,30,31 answers
  4. Write an April journal + send to Mrs. O’Grady April Writing Prompts
  5. Online Grammar Practise https://www.englishclub.com/grammar/verbs-m_future_quiz.htm
  6. Online Vocabulary Practise https://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/vocabulary/beginner-vocabulary/home
  7. Watch a 30 minute TV Show
  8. Read in English for 30 minutes

Work to do on Friday, April 10th

  1. Call a friend and talk to them IN ENGLISH about your favorite fruits and vegetables (how do you like to eat them? why do you like them?)
  2. Grammar Book GB p.120 ANSWERS GBp.120 answers
  3. Word by Word Activity Book p.32,33 ANSWERS WbyW p.32,33 answers
  4. Reading Book p. 17 + 18 (#6-10) RB p.17     RB p.18 ANSWERS RBp.18 answers
  5. Write an April journal + send to Mrs. O’Grady April Writing Prompts
  6. Online Grammar Practise https://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/exercises/tenses/future.htm
  7. Online Vocabulary Practise https://en.islcollective.com/english-esl-worksheets/search/house+vocabulary
  8. Watch a 30 minute TV Show
  9. Read in English for 30 minutes
  10. Check out the April Challenges and complete one or more! Mission Possible April Intensive

Mrs. O’Grady’s email : catherine.ogrady@csmb.qc.ca

Week of March 30th

ALL ANSWERS FOR WORKSHEETS: Homework answers March 30 to April 3

Vocabulary Focus : Fruits and Vegetables

Grammar Focus : Present Continuous PRESENT CONTINUOUS rules

Word by Word dictionary pages:

WbyW dictionary fruits

WbyW dictionary vegetables

Word by Word Activity Book pages to complete:

WbyW Activity Book Fruits

WbyW Activity Book Vegetables

Work for Monday March 30th

  1. Nothing 🙂

Work for Tuesday, March 31st

  1. Grammar Book p. 101-102

Present Continuous p.101

Present Continuous p.102

2. Reading Book p. 9 Reading 1

3.  Online grammar practise https://www.englishpage.com/verbpage/verbs1.htm

4. Online vocabulary practise https://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/word-games/fruit-1

5. Read for 30 minutes in English

6. Watch a 30 minute English TV Show

7. Complete a journal following the topics for the month of April (50-75 words) and send it to Mrs. O’Grady as a google document, a word attachment or a picture of your writing.

March Writing Prompts

Work for Wednesday, April 1st

  1. Grammar Book p. 103-104

Present Continous p. 103

Present Continous p. 104

2. Reading Book p. 10 + 11

Reading 2 Rainy Day part 1

Reading 2 Rainy Day part 2

3.  Practise grammar online:


4. Practise vocabulary online:


5. Read for 30 minutes in English

6. Complete a journal following the topics for the month of April (50-75 words) and send it to Mrs. O’Grady as a google document, a word attachment or a picture of your writing.

April Writing Prompts

Work for Thursday, April 2nd

  1. Grammar Book p. 105-106

Present Continous p. 105

Present Continous p. 106

3. Practice Grammar online:


4. Practice vocabulary online:


5. Read 30 minutes in English

6. Watch 30 minutes of English television

7. Complete a journal following the topics for the month of April (50-75 words) and send it to Mrs. O’Grady as a google document, a word attachment or a picture of your writing.

April Writing Prompts

Work for Friday, April 3rd

  1. Show and Tell to prepare for Monday, April 6th’s video meeting
  2. Grammar Book p. 107

Present Continous p. 107

2. Telephone someone from the class and talk to them using the Present Continuous to describe your day

3. Practice Grammar online:


4. Practice vocabulary online:


5. Read 30 minutes in English

6. Watch 30 minutes of English television

7. Check out the April Challenges and complete one

Mission Possible April Intensive

Project 1 : COVID-19 Time Capsule

My COVID-19 Time Capsule

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to complete as many of the following English missions as possible during the month of April.

Just  click on the link below that says « Mission Possible Intensive » and have fun!

Good luck.

Mrs. O’Grady

Mission Possible April Intensive

Word of the day worksheet

Word of the Day

Learning Resources

Mrs. O’Grady’s email : catherine.ogrady@csmb.qc.ca










Commas     https://edpuzzle.com/video/Wk0k2FLjM1c

Quotation Marks     https://edpuzzle.com/media/5a2833d849c94140cd2cface

Colons     https://edpuzzle.com/video/3Eis7atPUKU


Semi Colons     https://edpuzzle.com/video/41XNKfR56OY

Parentheses     https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/grammar/punctuation-the-colon-semicolon-and-more/formatting-styles/v/parentheses

















Demonstrative Pronouns















Question Formation

















Future Tense












Question Formation






Present Continuous





















Past Continuous









Past Tense











Present Tense Questions and Answers














Present Tense, third person singular


























Here are a few activities you can do with your child at home to practise in English…

  1. Watch a 30 minute T.V. show in English.
  2. Play a board game in English.
  3. Tell someone something nice in English every day.
  4. Watch a movie in English.
  5. Read a book in English.
  6. Read a magazine in English.
  7. Read a comic book in English.
  8. Visit a web site in English. (Mrs. O’Grady sent them to your parents)
  9. Write a letter to someone in English.
  10. Write a letter to your English teacher in English.
  11. Write a birthday card in English to a family member or friend.
  12. Write a card in English (Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Halloween…).
  13. Write you birthday card invitations in English.
  14. Write a poem in English.
  15. Learn a poem in English. (visit Kenn Nesbitt’s website)
  16. Visit Kenn Nesbitt’s website.
  17. Play a game on the internet. (visit Junie B. Jone’s website)
  18. Visit the Robert Munsch website.
  19. Make a crossword in English. (make your own grid and test a friend)
  20. Make a mystery word in English. (make your own grid and test a friend)
  21. Play hangman with your mom or dad.
  22. Listen to a song in English.
  23. Learn a song in English.  Look for the words on the internet.
  24. Invent a song.  Choose a melody you know and change the words.
  25. Write an adventure story in English (you are the main character).
  26. Write and draw a comic strip in English.
  27. Watch a documentary on an animal you like in English. (you can look on Youtube)
  28. Read the labels of food containers in English. Ex: a cereal box
  29. Find a yummy recipe in English and prepare it with your parent.
  30. Collect yummy recipes and create your own cookbook in English.
  31. Plan an outdoor game with your friend in English.
  32. Watch a sport event in English on T.V.
  33. Learn a tongue twister in English. http://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/en/tongue-twisters
  34. Book buddies: read with a parent and take turns reading out loud.
  35. Create a book mark in English.
  36. Find a cute joke in English and practise it with a parent or friend.
  37. Make a collage with WORDS in English from a newspaper or a magazine.
  38. Play a mime game with a parent or friend.  Guess the action in English.
  39. Play a yes/no question game with a parent for 5 minutes.
  40. Read a science fiction story.
  41. Read from a newspaper.
  42. Read a biography.
  43. Read an adventure story.
  44. Visit the English section of a public library.
  45. Find and read a menu from a take out restaurant.
  46. Make a list of favorite movies.  Use English titles.
  47. Make a list of favorite English songs.
  48. Play a video game or a grammar game in English on your computer.
  49. Call a friend and have a conversation with them in English
  50. Cook with your parents in English

Suggested novels for beginners:

  1. ANY comic book or graphic novel.
  2. Anything with pictures will help your child understand what is going on in the book.
  3. Go to the municipal library.  Your local librarian is an AWESOME resource for books.

Examples of graphic novel series:

  • Amulet
  • Percy Jackson (Rick Riordan)
  • The Sea of Monsters (Rick Riordan)
  • The throne of fire (Rick Riordan)
  • Cleopatra (Mike Maihack)
  • Betty and Veronica/Archie/Jughead comic books
  • Sisters (Raina Telgemeier)
  • Smile (Raina Telgemeier)
  • Drama (Raina Telgemeier)
  • Ghosts (Raina Telgemeier)
  • Dog Man (Dav Pilkey)
  • Plants VS Zombies
  • The legend of Zelda (Akira Himekawa)
  • Babysitters Club series (Raina Telgemeier)
  • Goosebumps graphic Novel (R.L. Stein)
  • Bone (Jeff Smith)
  • Phoebe and her Unicorn (Dana Simpson)
  • Skeleton Key (Anthony Horowitz)

Other interesting books for more advanced readers:

You can now order your scholastic books online!  It is WAY quicker and MUCH easier!  Here are the steps to follow to order the books:

  1. Go to http://www.scholastic.ca/
  2. Click on « Parents »
  3. Click on « Place your reading club order »
  4. Click on « Connect to a teacher » under the PARENTS section on the right hand side of the screen
  5. Click on « Find your teacher »
  6. Enter the school’s POSTAL CODE to find the school and my name (Catherine O’Grady)
  7. Make an account
  8. Order your books 🙂

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about how to place an order online with scholastic (catherine.ogrady@csmb.qc.ca).

Mrs. O’Grady 🙂

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Votre contribution fait toute la différence auprès des élèves et de leurs enseignants. Merci de votre générosité!